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    Live View vs Viewfinder: A Landscape Photographer's Perspective

    This is a topic that's become increasingly relevant to me and might resonate with you as well: the choice between using live view or the viewfinder for landscape photography. My thoughts on this has changed over recent years as my style of photography and eyesight have shifted.

    Transitioning Vision:

    Recently, I found myself facing a new challenge – a decline in my eyesight. For over 30+ years, I took my perfect 20/20 vision for granted. However, as my nearsightedness has worsened, I’ve had to adapt, especially in my photography endeavors where precise vision is a major benefit.

    Pros of Live View:

    First off, the advantages of live view. With live view, you gain better situational awareness, allowing you to assess your surroundings more effectively. Additionally, you can easily review your entire image, ensuring that nothing unwanted sneaks into the frame. Plus, tap to focus functionality offers a convenient way to pinpoint focus areas, saving valuable time.

    Adapting to Unconventional Shooting Positions:

    Live view shines when shooting from unusual angles or heights. Its flexibility accommodates low-to-ground compositions or high-angle shots effortlessly, making it a versatile tool for landscape photographers.

    Viewfinder: A Different Perspective:

    While live view offers undeniable benefits, the viewfinder presents its own set of advantages. In bright environments, where glare can hinder LCD visibility, the viewfinder provides a clear, immersive view of your scene. Moreover, the diopter adjustment feature ensures crisp viewing tailored to your eyesight, enhancing overall clarity and comfort.

    Enhanced Stability and Composition:

    Using the viewfinder promotes greater stability, crucial for capturing sharp images, especially in low-light conditions or with longer focal lengths. Furthermore, refining compositions becomes more intuitive, allowing for precise adjustments without sacrificing stability.

    The Art of Adaptation:

    As my eyesight “evolved”, so did my photography workflow. Transitioning from primarily using live view to embracing the viewfinder offered new insights and efficiencies tailored to my changing needs.

    In the realm of landscape photography, the choice between live view and the viewfinder ultimately boils down to personal preference, shooting conditions, and individual vision requirements. Whether you favor the situational awareness of live view or the immersive clarity of the viewfinder, both tools offer unique benefits worth exploring.

    Watch Video Here

    Have a great week!

    -Mark D.

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